How To Listen To Your Body Better

We are living in such a fast-paced world that we aren’t taking the time to listen to what our body is telling us. We all just need to take some time, slow down and try to listen more to what our body is trying to tell us each day. This is where biofeedback comes in. 


What the heck is that?


Biofeedback markers are signals your body sends you. It’s your body communicating with you what the heck is going on. And it’s our job to pay more attention. Pay more attention to our energy, hunger, focus, mood, cycle, performance in the gym, digestion, our cycles and our sleep.


If any of these things feel off, that’s our cue that something needs to change.


Quite often if any of these markers are off, they will impact what is being reflected on the scale. And what’s most people’s initial reaction when the scale goes up?


“Maybe one of my markers are off.”




No, most people’s reactions are “I gained fat! What’s wrong with me?”


When in actuality, it’s more optimal to be prompt to the initial reaction of one of your markers being off so you can go through a biofeedback checklist.


If you have a coach, this is something that should be discussed with them. For all of my clients, we go over a biofeedback checklist when I receive their check-ins so I can get an objective analysis as to what’s going on with their body composition results for the week. Because just because the scale increases, doesn’t always mean it’s due to fat regain.


It’s important to remember that the scale measures MORE than just fat. It also includes water, organ size, muscle size, inflammation. Not just FAT. So just because the scale weight changes, doesn’t always mean it’s a reflection of how much fat you have gained or even lost.


If you don’t have a coach, it can be tough to be objective and take a step back to analyze your markers. But it’s completely necessary for your sanity and, more importantly, your health.


So what does this checklist look like?


First, let’s list out what markers we want to analyze. Note that there are others, but these are the main ones to consider.








Menstrual Cycles



Now what should you be looking for for each of these?



How has your energy been? 

Are you having to rely more on caffeine lately?

What might be causing these things?



How has your hunger been? 

Do you feel hungry before and/or after eating?

Are you experiencing any cravings?

What might be causing these things?



How’s your concentrate been?

Are you struggling with racing thoughts? 

Lack of concentrate on tasks?

What might be causing these things?



How has your mood been?

Any anxiety? Stress? Lack of motivation?

What might be causing these things?

What are your strategies for dealing with stress?



How are your training sessions going?

Are you making progress in the gym?

How has your motivation been?



How has your digestion been?

Changes in your bowel movements?

Are you experiencing any bloating?

What might be causing these things?


Menstrual Cycle

How have your cycles been? Regular? Irregular?

Do you have your cycle?



How has your sleep quality been?

Are you sleeping through the night?

Are you getting 7-8 hours a night?

What is your getting ready for bed routine?


How often should you be analyzing this checklist? My recommendation would be once a week. Don’t wait until something feels off or for the scale to go up before you get in touch with what your body is communicating with you


I know some hear this and might be thinking “that’s a lot of work.” 


Yep! It sure is. 


But this our health at the end of the day and we should be taking it seriously. And honestly, after enough practice and time, it won’t feel like a lot of work. You will be so in tune with your body that you won’t have to wait for an external stimulus to trigger that something is off. 


You will just know.


Like I said, we are living in such a fast-paced world that we aren’t taking the time to listen to what our body is telling us. We all just need to take some time, slow down and try to listen more to what our body is trying to tell us. Treat your body right and your body will thank you!


Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions


Coach Krysten